At LearnTheDogs, we’re dedicated to offering you invaluable information and resources to help care for your furry best friends. Part of how we do this is by participating in various affiliate marketing programs.
When you purchase through links, products, or services we’ve recommended, we may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions are vital, as they contribute to the upkeep of our site and ensure we can keep providing top-notch content for all dog lovers.
We want to assure you that any recommendation we make is based on extensive research, expertise, and a genuine endorsement of the product or service. We stand by editorial independence and are fully transparent in our affiliate relationships.
Your trust is our top priority. This is why openness about our affiliate engagements is a commitment we take seriously. Should you have any queries or need further clarification about any recommended products or services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at